Introducing the Lockdown Dinner Box!

Posted on May 05, 2020 by [email protected]

With the country still in lockdown, Dine Delivered ™ have introduced the new lockdown dinner box- but what is it and how does it work? We find out!

The Covid-crisis lockdown has changed life for many of us in ways we would have thought unbelievable only a few short weeks ago. Many of us are balancing multiple roles- working from home, schooling for the kids, looking after neighbours. But with everything closed, there is no outlet for our hard work at the end of the week- no pub, no cinema, no restaurant dinner.

So Dine Delivered ™ has come to the rescue! Our lockdown dinner box is restaurant-quality dining for you to have at home, perfect for a virtual dinner party or Friday date night. Dine Delivered ™ will do most of the work for you, while still allowing you to claim you made it all.

So how does it work? We asked Dine Delivered ™ customer Mark to tell us his experience. Over to Mark!


My wife and I recently celebrated our wedding anniversary, and where we would normally have gone out for a celebratory meal, obviously that wasn’t an option for us! One of my friends recommended Dine Delivered ™, and I as looked at the website it looked like a great solution. It’s a catering company that are now doing delivered ‘lockdown dinner’ boxes for special dinner parties at home.

I chose the oak roast salmon starter, porcini chicken main and chocolate caramel slice for dessert, all of which looked delicious! All easy to order online.

On the day of delivery a huge box turned up by courier. Unpacking it carefully, we could see everything was in individual boxes and tubs, with little labels on to tell you what was what, and some to tell you which dish it went with. It even had the ingredients and allergy labels which we were very impressed by.

That evening I began by popping the porcini chicken, tarragon cabbage parcels, and the carrots into the oven. There were simple instruction cards provided, with timings and temperatures on so really easy to follow. Whilst the main course heated up we enjoyed the oak roast salmon paté, which came ready to serve in their own martini glasses- all I need to do was pop the micro herb garnish on top! Delicious and really fresh, you could tell this wasn’t anything mass produced but properly hand made by someone who knows what they are doing.

Next came the main course. I just needed to put the creamed potatoes and the thyme jus in the microwave whilst plating up the chicken. It was really tasty, moist chicken and the cabbage parcels were stuffed with tarragon which was a lovely touch. This was easily a restaurant-standard meal.

Finally, the most important part (according to my wife, anyway) - the dessert! A salted caramel chocolate slice, very rich and generously sized too, with a berry compote to drizzle around the plate in proper restaurant fashion. It was the icing on the cake!

All in all the dinner was a delicious treat- restaurant quality food, delivered ‘oven ready’ to coin a phrase. Whilst we can’t go out to dinner, Dine Delivered ™ offers a very good alternative.


Thanks Mark!

Try a lockdown dinner for yourself here

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