Meet Our Dedicated Team...

Dan Gill, owner & founder – grew up in the engine room of a Michelin-starred restaurant. In 1998 Dan founded Dine & in 2016, recognised the appetite for a digital platform for organising event food to be delivered at home or a venue of choice. So he took a leap of faith & realised the Dine Delivered ™ concept in under 12 months!

Marie-Claire Power has been working on the UX, branding & photography of the dishes... trying not to eat too much of the delicious food in the process!

Ben Askham is the newest member of our team & is working hard to get the Dine Delivered ™  word out in the corporate world.

Helen Gill has been working relentlessly on the product specifications & filtering to ensure the MenuMind ™  offers customers inspiring & relevant results.

Natalie Richardson hung up her headset in the events side of the business to work on this project with Dan. Natalie has been leading the project & will continue to support the operational side of Dine Delivered ™.

Mark Dawson / super hero has been working tirelessly on developing delicious dishes & platters for you good people to enjoy with friends, family & colleagues.

We’ve had various other wonderful people pitching in along the way & will continue to grow the team as the demand for the Dine Delivered ™ product flourishes.